mandag, juni 18, 2018

Intromusikken til The Expanse

Lisbeth Scott synger intromusikken til The Expanse. The Expanse er en science-fiction serie av Mark Fergus og Hawk Ostby. Ostby er oppvokst på Nordstrand og Slemdal i Oslo, Norge. Teksten på intromusikken er på en slags norsk. Artig for oss nordmenn og både musikken og sangen høres bra ut! Det er jo lov å leke seg litt når man lager kunst og det er hyggelig at det gjøres på norsk. :)

Lisbeth Scott skrev på Facebook 9. April 2017:
There has been a lot of interest in the lyrics I wrote to the main title of the show Expanse so here is some info! I wanted to reference the beautiful Norwegian language..note the word reference! so below are the words I used and a very rough translation of their meaning! Clinton Shorter wrote a gorgeous and inspiring piece! Very often I am inspired while in the car or on a walk and scribble words on kleenex or my hand....not good for cataloging! All of you from Norway, feel free to laugh and cry at my lack of proper syntax and grammar, not to mention pronunciation !would love your comments, but no hate please! go elsewhere for that.
I de sa morgenen jeg (in the so tender morning I)
stige asoke (rise in search)
ja lyn tid jeg vet ha delt (yes it's lightning time I know I share)
skulder dett be na more (shouldering this I ask now for darkness)

Som svar på tilbakemelding på at norsken var litt annerledes skrev hun:
I found words that I liked singing, and that related somehow to my initial concept and that sounded a certain way together and then I created my own version of a few sentences by doing that. I do not claim that it is an authentic version of the language....some folks have poured a bit of hate on me for that to which I say....we all create in different ways...there are a thousand ways to way peace and open open open...!!! thanks for your note!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Beautifully creative❤️ Hilsen en nordmann 😃